
39 lines
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export const panel = {
pureSystemSet: "System Configs",
pureCloseSystemSet: "Close System Configs",
pureClearCacheAndToLogin: "Clear cache and return to login page",
pureClearCache: "Clear Cache",
pureOverallStyle: "Overall Style",
pureOverallStyleLight: "Light",
"Set sail freshly and light up the comfortable work interface",
pureOverallStyleDark: "Dark",
"Moonlight Overture, indulge in the tranquility and elegance of the night",
pureOverallStyleSystem: "Auto",
"Synchronize time, the interface naturally responds to morning and dusk",
pureThemeColor: "Theme Color",
pureLayoutModel: "Layout Model",
pureVerticalTip: "The menu on the left is familiar and friendly",
pureHorizontalTip: "Top menu, concise overview",
pureMixTip: "Mixed menu, flexible",
pureStretch: "Stretch Page",
pureStretchFixed: "Fixed",
"Compact pages make it easy to find the information you need",
pureStretchCustom: "Custom",
pureStretchCustomTip: "Minimum 1280, maximum 1600",
pureTagsStyle: "Tags Style",
pureTagsStyleSmart: "Smart",
pureTagsStyleSmartTip: "Smart tags add fun and brilliance",
pureTagsStyleCard: "Card",
pureTagsStyleCardTip: "Card tags for efficient browsing",
pureInterfaceDisplay: "Interface Display",
pureGreyModel: "Grey Model",
pureWeakModel: "Weak Model",
pureHiddenTags: "Hidden Tags",
pureHiddenFooter: "Hidden Footer",
pureMultiTagsCache: "MultiTags Cache"