feat(新增): 🚀 Minio工具库更新

This commit is contained in:
bunny 2024-07-18 16:47:52 +08:00
parent 64d9d1c682
commit 166b519cea
7 changed files with 370 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
package cn.bunny.common.service.utils;
import cn.bunny.vo.user.comment.CommentVo;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class CommentUtil {
* 构建树型结构
* @param commentList 评论列表
* @return 结构列表
public static List<CommentVo> buildTree(List<CommentVo> commentList) {
// 构建树形结构
List<CommentVo> tree = new ArrayList<>();
// 遍历评论列表
for (CommentVo comment : commentList) {
// 找到顶级评论没有父评论
if (comment.getPCommentId() == 0) {
// 递归构建子评论
comment.setChildren(getChildren(comment.getId(), commentList));
return tree;
* 递归获取子评论
* @param commentId 当前评论ID
* @param commentList 评论列表
* @return 子评论列表
private static List<CommentVo> getChildren(Long commentId, List<CommentVo> commentList) {
List<CommentVo> children = new ArrayList<>();
// 遍历评论列表
for (CommentVo comment : commentList) {
// 找到当前评论的子评论
if (Long.valueOf(comment.getPCommentId()).equals(commentId)) {
// 递归构建子评论的子评论
comment.setChildren(getChildren(comment.getId(), commentList));
return children;

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@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
package cn.bunny.common.service.utils;
* 计算 kb mb gb
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class FileUtil {
* * 获取文件大小字符串
public static String getSize(Long fileSize) {
double fileSizeInKB = fileSize / 1024.00;
double fileSizeInMB = fileSizeInKB / 1024;

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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
package cn.bunny.common.service.utils;
import jakarta.annotation.PostConstruct;
import org.lionsoul.ip2region.xdb.Searcher;
import org.springframework.core.io.ClassPathResource;
import org.springframework.util.FileCopyUtils;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class IpUtil {
private static Searcher searcher;
* 判断是否为合法 IP
public static boolean checkIp(String ipAddress) {
String ip = "([1-9]|[1-9]\\d|1\\d{2}|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])(\\.(\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d{2}|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){3}";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(ip);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(ipAddress);
return matcher.matches();
* 在服务启动时 ip2region 加载到内存中
private static void initIp2Region() {
try {
InputStream inputStream = new ClassPathResource("/ipdb/ip2region.xdb").getInputStream();
byte[] bytes = FileCopyUtils.copyToByteArray(inputStream);
searcher = Searcher.newWithBuffer(bytes);
} catch (Exception exception) {
* 获取 ip 所属地址
* @param ip ip
public static String getIpRegion(String ip) {
if (ip.equals("0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1")) ip = "";
boolean isIp = checkIp(ip);
if (isIp) {
try {
// searchIpInfo 的数据格式 国家|区域|省份|城市|ISP
String searchIpInfo = searcher.search(ip);
String[] splitIpInfo = searchIpInfo.split("\\|");
if (splitIpInfo.length > 0) {
if ("中国".equals(splitIpInfo[0])) {
// 国内属地返回省份
return splitIpInfo[2];
} else if ("0".equals(splitIpInfo[0])) {
if ("内网IP".equals(splitIpInfo[4])) {
// 内网 IP
return splitIpInfo[4];
} else {
return "";
} else {
// 国外属地返回国家
return splitIpInfo[0];
} catch (Exception e) {
return "";
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("非法的IP地址");

View File

@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ public class ResponseHandlerUtil {
ResponseUtil.out(response, Result.error(loginAuth));
return false;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
package cn.bunny.pojo.file;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Builder;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
public class MinioFIlePath {
private String filename;
private String uuidFilename;
private String timeUuidFilename;
private String filepath;
private String bucketNameFilepath;

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
package cn.bunny.pojo.result.constant;
import lombok.Data;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class MinioConstant {
public static final String favicon = "favicon";
public static final String avatar = "avatar";
public static final String article = "article";
public static final String carousel = "carousel";
public static final String feedback = "feedback";
public static final String articleCovers = "articleCovers";
public static final String articleAttachment = "articleAttachment";
private static final Map<String, String> typeMap = new HashMap<>();
static {
typeMap.put(favicon, "/favicon/");
typeMap.put(avatar, "/avatar/");
typeMap.put(article, "/article/");
typeMap.put(carousel, "/carousel/");
typeMap.put(feedback, "/feedback/");
typeMap.put("articleImages", "/articleImages/");
typeMap.put("articleVideo", "/articleVideo/");
typeMap.put(articleCovers, "/articleCovers/");
typeMap.put(articleAttachment, "/articleAttachment/");
typeMap.put("images", "/images/");
typeMap.put("video", "/video/");
typeMap.put("default", "/default/");
public static String getType(String type) {
String value = typeMap.get(type);
if (value != null) return value;
throw new RuntimeException(FileMessageConstant.COMPOSE_OBJECT_EXCEPTION);

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@ -2,16 +2,23 @@ package cn.bunny.module.minio.utils;
import cn.bunny.common.service.exception.BunnyException;
import cn.bunny.module.minio.properties.MinioProperties;
import cn.bunny.pojo.file.MinioFIlePath;
import cn.bunny.pojo.result.constant.FileMessageConstant;
import cn.bunny.pojo.result.constant.MinioConstant;
import io.minio.*;
import io.minio.messages.*;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
* Minio操作工具类 简化操作步骤
@ -26,16 +33,121 @@ public class MinioUtil {
private MinioClient minioClient;
* 获取Minio全路径名
* @param objectName 对象名称
* @return 全路径
* 获取Minio文件路径
public String getFullPath(String objectName) {
String url = properties.getEndpointUrl();
public static MinioFIlePath getMinioFilePath(String buckName, String minioPreType, MultipartFile file) {
String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
// 定义日期时间格式
LocalDateTime currentDateTime = LocalDateTime.now();
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy/MM-dd");
String extension = "";
// 原始文件名
String filename = file.getOriginalFilename();
if (filename.contains(".")) {
extension = "." + filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
// UUID防止重名
String uuidFilename = uuid + extension;
// 拼接时间+UUID文件名
String timeUuidFilename = currentDateTime.format(formatter) + "/" + uuidFilename;// 加上时间路径
// 上传根文件夹+拼接时间+UUID文件名
String filepath = MinioConstant.getType(minioPreType) + timeUuidFilename;
// 桶名称+上传根文件夹+拼接时间+UUID文件名
String buckNameFilepath = "/" + buckName + MinioConstant.getType(minioPreType) + timeUuidFilename;
// 设置及Minio基础信息
MinioFIlePath minioFIlePath = new MinioFIlePath();
return minioFIlePath;
* 上传文件
* @return 返回上传路径
public String uploadFile(MultipartFile file, String bucketName, String minioPreType) throws IOException {
return getUploadFilePath(file, bucketName, minioPreType);
* 上传文件
* @return 返回上传路径
public String uploadFile(MultipartFile file, String minioPreType) throws IOException {
// 如果buckName为空设置为默认的桶
String bucketName = properties.getBucketName();
return url + "/" + bucketName + objectName;
return getUploadFilePath(file, bucketName, minioPreType);
* * 上传文件
* @return 上传路径
private String getUploadFilePath(MultipartFile file, String bucketName, String minioPreType) throws IOException {
if (file != null) {
MinioFIlePath minioFile = getMinioFilePath(bucketName, minioPreType, file);
String bucketNameFilepath = minioFile.getBucketNameFilepath();
String filepath = minioFile.getFilepath();
// 上传对象
putObject(bucketName, filepath, file.getInputStream(), file.getSize());
// 设置图片地址
return bucketNameFilepath;
return null;
* * 上传文件
* @return 上传路径
public MinioFIlePath getUploadMinioObjectFilePath(MultipartFile file, String bucketName, String minioPreType) throws IOException {
if (file != null) {
MinioFIlePath minioFile = getMinioFilePath(bucketName, minioPreType, file);
String filepath = minioFile.getFilepath();
// 上传对象
putObject(bucketName, filepath, file.getInputStream(), file.getSize());
// 设置图片地址
return minioFile;
return null;
* * 上传文件并返回处理信息
public MinioFIlePath getUploadMinioObjectFilePath(MultipartFile file, String minioPreType) throws IOException {
// 如果buckName为空设置为默认的桶
String bucketName = properties.getBucketName();
if (file != null) {
MinioFIlePath minioFile = getMinioFilePath(bucketName, minioPreType, file);
String filepath = minioFile.getFilepath();
// 上传对象
putObject(bucketName, filepath, file.getInputStream(), file.getSize());
// 设置图片地址
return minioFile;
return null;
@ -56,7 +168,65 @@ public class MinioUtil {
throw new BunnyException(FileMessageConstant.GET_BUCKET_EXCEPTION);
* 获取默认bucket文件并返回字节数组
* @param objectName 对象名称
* @return 文件流对象
public byte[] getBucketObjectByte(String objectName) {
// 如果buckName为空设置为默认的桶
String bucketName = properties.getBucketName();
try {
objectName = objectName.replace("/" + bucketName, "");
GetObjectResponse getObjectResponse = minioClient.getObject(GetObjectArgs.builder().bucket(bucketName).object(objectName).build());
return getObjectResponse.readAllBytes();
} catch (Exception exception) {
throw new BunnyException(FileMessageConstant.GET_BUCKET_EXCEPTION);
* 获取Minio全路径名Object带有桶名称
* @param objectName 对象名称
* @return 全路径
public String getObjectNameFullPath(String objectName) {
String url = properties.getEndpointUrl();
return url + objectName;
* 获取Minio全路径名-默认桶名称
* @param objectName 对象名称
* @return 全路径
public String getDefaultBuckNameFullPath(String objectName) {
String url = properties.getEndpointUrl();
String bucketName = properties.getBucketName();
return url + "/" + bucketName + objectName;
* 获取Minio全路径名自定义桶名称
* @param objectName 对象名称
* @return 全路径
public String getBuckNameFullPath(String bucketName, String objectName) {
String url = properties.getEndpointUrl();
return url + "/" + bucketName + objectName;
* 判断桶是否存在