package test1 fun main() { println("Hello world!") } var x = 2 var y: Int = 2 val z: Int = 2 fun main(array: Array) { println(array.contentToString()) print("Hello ") print("world!\n") main() println(42) val sum = sum(1, 2) println(sum) val sum2 = sum2(1, 6) println(sum2) println("总和为:$sum and $sum2 那么sum和sum2相加为:${sum + sum2}") val basicSyntax = BasicSyntax(2.0000, 6.0) println(basicSyntax.percent) // 模板字符串 var a = 1 val b = "a 是 $a" a = 2 val c = "${b.replace("是", "就是")},但是现在的a是 $a" println(c) // 返回最大值 println(BasicSyntax(1.0, 2.0).maxOf(1, 2)) println(BasicSyntax(1.0, 2.0).maxOf2(1, 2)) println(maxOf3(1, 2)) // 循环 val items = listOf("11", "22", "23", "24", "25") for (item in items) { println(item) } for (index in items.indices) { println(index) } // 有多少元素 val readOnlyShapes = mutableListOf("triangle", "square", "circle") println("readOnlyShapes有:${readOnlyShapes.count()}个元素") println("triangle" in readOnlyShapes) // 添加元素 readOnlyShapes.add("YYY") println(readOnlyShapes) // 移出元素 readOnlyShapes.remove("triangle") println(readOnlyShapes) // Set相关操作 val readOnlyFruit = setOf("apple", "banana", "cherry", "cherry") val mutableSetOf = mutableSetOf(readOnlyFruit) println(readOnlyFruit) println(mutableSetOf) println("This set has ${readOnlyFruit.count()} items") // map 操作 val readOnlyJuiceMenu = mapOf("apple" to 100, "kiwi" to 190, "orange" to 100) println(readOnlyJuiceMenu) // {apple=100, kiwi=190, orange=100} // Mutable map with explicit type declaration val juiceMenu: MutableMap = mutableMapOf("apple" to 100, "kiwi" to 190, "orange" to 100) println(juiceMenu) val SUPPORTED = setOf("HTTP", "HTTPS", "FTP") val requested = "smtp" val isSupported = requested.uppercase() in SUPPORTED // Write your code here println("Support for $requested: $isSupported") val number2word = mapOf(1 to "one", 2 to "tow") // Write your code here val n = 2 println("$n is spelt as '${number2word[2]}'") } fun sum(a: Int, b: Int): Int { return a + b } fun sum2(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b class BasicSyntax(height: Double, length: Double) { val percent = (height + length) * 2 fun maxOf(a: Int, b: Int): Int { if (a > b) { return a } else { return b } } fun maxOf2(a: Int, b: Int): Int { return if (a > b) { a } else { b } } } /* The comment starts here /* contains a nested comment */ and ends here. */ fun maxOf3(a: Int, b: Int) = if (a > b) a else b