<!doctype html> <html lang="zh"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <div class="btns"> <div class="btn java">JAVA攻城狮</div> <div class="btn golang">Golang工程师!</div> <div class="btn js"><span>js攻城狮</span></div> <div class="btn nodd-ruby ruby"> <div class="anim"></div> <span>Ruby攻城狮</span> </div> <div class="btn vb"> <span>VB攻城狮</span> <div class="dot"></div> </div> <div class="btn python python-1">python攻城狮</div> <div class="btn python python-2">python攻城狮</div> <div class="btn python python-3">python攻城狮</div> <div class="btn python python-4">python攻城狮</div> <div class="btn python python-5">python攻城狮</div> <div class="btn php php-1">php攻城狮</div> <div class="btn php php-2">php攻城狮</div> <div class="btn php php-3">php攻城狮</div> <div class="btn php php-4">php攻城狮</div> <div class="btn php php-5">php攻城狮</div> <div class="btn kotlin kotlin-3">kotlin攻城狮</div> <div class="btn kotlin kotlin-1">kotlin攻城狮</div> <div class="btn kotlin kotlin-4">kotlin攻城狮</div> <div class="btn kotlin kotlin-2">kotlin攻城狮</div> <div class="btn kotlin kotlin-5">kotlin攻城狮</div> <div class="btn c">C语言攻城狮</div> </div> </body> <style> .text-info { position: absolute; 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